The Curse of El Bastardo

Some might want to tag this book as quirky, wry, whimsical, witty, zany – along with other words begun by letters we rarely see at the front, for good reason I suspect. In truth we all know these words are used by pretentious people when they want to say funny. This book is funny. There, said and done. There are types of humour and this book has a few, but for all that the truth is this book made me laugh, which isn’t easy, and working on it was a pleasant experience. Believe me, as an editor that is divine! As a big fan of Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, I’m well aware that telling jokes is one thing, writing them another. Gustavo Bondoni, or Gus as we call him, does this extremely well. The comedy is smooth. It fits, it comes in naturally and never gets in the way of the narrative. If I hadn’t known better I would have thought the author British for his delivery and dry wit, and I can think of no higher praise (being British myself).

From Steven Beeho´s Introduction