There’s an interview with me up at the Kickstarter for The Consultations of Sherlock Holmes. I’ve included the link here in case you’re curious about how this story came to be, and the process of writing it. Scroll down to see the interview!
To Run Its Course Sold to Black Hare Press
Sale! Contract signed, and I can announce that my story “To Run Its Course” has sold to Black Hare Press.
I’ll let everyone know when it’s published.
Sherlock Holmes: A Year of Mystery 1883 Published
My effort to stay abreast of all the publications I’ve had over the past year (and which I forgot to talk about) continues apace. Today’s belated announcement is of the Sherlock Holmes A Year of Mystery 1883 Anthology. Purchase link here.

Dragon Gems: Winter 2023 Published
Cool news for today is that the Dragon’s Gems Anthology has been published (well, a couple of months ago, but I’ve already admitted that I’m way behind, right?). This one contains my story “Keep Them Smiling” about the way policing might be done in the future. I find it chilling not because of the brutality, but because it explores the non-brutal options to their logical conclusions… and finds them even worse.

Christopher’s Retreat Published on Timber Wolf
Still Catching up on publications I’d missed. For those of you who have yet to read this one, my story Christopher’s retreat has been published on Timber Wolf’s site. Link here – this is a very short one, and an incursion into weird fiction. Like so much weird fiction, I have no clue where the idea came from. What was I thinking?
Drawing the Line Published in Brazil
Here’s another publication that I should have announced ages ago. My story “Drawing the Line” was published in Portuguese in Brazil!
So, my Brazilian friends, go forth and buy yourself a copy – I’ve linked to the Brazilian Amazon page here.
And here’s the cover so you can be tempted!

Messenger of Emptiness Sold to Tomorrow’s Hope
Contract signed, so I can announce that my story “Messenger of Emptiness” has sold to the Tomorrow’s Hope antho from Three Ravens. This makes me happy indeed!
The Fifth Di December 2022 Published
With the frenetic end of last year / beginning of this one, I missed a bunch of publications, so I’m trying to catch up. Here is the December issue of The Fifth Di, which contains not one but TWO of my stories: “Hospitality” and “Homesinger”,both of which I really love!
Purchase link here.

The Barber of Manaus Sold to New Maps
Sale!! Contract signed, so I can announce that my story “The Barber of Manaus” will be appearing in New Maps! I’ll let everyone know when it becomes available. Happy dance!
Alien Dimensions 24 Published
Good news for the day is that Alien Dimensions 24 has been published. This one includes my story “Culture Shock”, which is a detective story set on a far-future space station. I’ve placed the link here, and the cover below, just because I love that cover.